Tovah Lukken
Student Number:
GIMP: Chapter 5: Selection
PART 1: READ Chapter 2 in the GIMP book, then:
- Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
- Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
- Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL GRAPHICS blog.
1. Why are the GIMP Selection tools important? Selection tool are important for selecting/making changes to your image/project.
2. What is meant by the “marching ants”? Marching ants are the black and white dashes outlining an object in an image.
3. Describe the following terms found in the SELECT menu:
· All: Select the whole image.
· None: Makes sure nothing is selected.
· Invert: Reverses the selection.
· Float: Cuts out the selected area and pastes it as a new floating layer.
· By Color: Switches to the select by color tool, which can be used on images you want to separate a foreground from a simple background.
· From Path: Convert current path to a selection.
· Feather: Makes edges fuzzy.
· Sharpen: Makes fuzzy selections sharper.
· Shrink and Grow: Makes a selection bigger or smaller.
· Border: Replaces a selection with a new one that follows the border of the old selection.
· Rounded Rectangle: Rounded edges of a rectangle selection keeps rounded edges sharp.
· To Path: Covert to a path.
4. Why would you want to SELECT BY COLOR? To separate a foreground from a simple background. It also offers the option “select transparent areas.”
5. What is a BEZIER PATH? Allows you to define control points that outline your object. Connect the dots to make a path.
6. What is the purpose of the INTELLIGENT SCISSORS? Similar to the Bezier Path, it tries to follow the boundaries of an object. Creates a more complicated path but the result will be a selection not a path.
7. What is the purpose of the QUICK MASK? It lets you see the selection superimposed on the image rather than the marching ants view.
8. What is the purpose of LAYER MASKS? Defines how much and which parts of a layer will be visible.
9. What is the purpose of SIOX? Simple interactive object extraction. Border your object outside region will be masked in dark blue then mark the foreground.
10. When is using SIOX most effective? When you have significant color differences.
NOTE: For an excellent review of GIMP Selection tools, check out:
Scroll down the page to see an excellent chart of the Selections tools.
Pictures coming soon!