Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tovah Lukken
Student Number:

GIMP: Chapter 6: Erasing and Touching Up
PART 1: READ Chapter 2 in the GIMP book, then:
  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to RED.
  3. Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL GRAPHICS blog.

1.       What is the purpose of the DODGE tool (part of the DODGE/BURN tool): It is a tool that allows to choose between three modes: Shadows, Midtones and Highlights. Used to brighten a dark area.
2.       What is the purpose of the BURN tool (part of the DODGE/BURN tool): This tool makes light areas darker. 
3.       Why is the DODGE/BURN tool considered a drawing tool? Because you have to use the tool to “draw” the area(s) that you are trying to dodge/burn.
4.       What is the purpose of the SMUDGE tool? It corrects areas of an image by picking up color underneath it and distributing the colors as you drag. Use short strokes.
5.       Briefly explain you get the CLONE to work: This tool lets you duplicate a small area over and over to paint an object out of the picture.
6.       What is the purpose of the HEAL tool? Similar to the Clone tool, the Heal tool combines texture from the source layer with the color and lighting of the destination layer.
7.       What is the purpose of the PERSPECTIVE CLONE tool? Works for images with perspective, objects that extend away or up; make sure the mode is set to modify perspective then drag inward from each corner of the image, one by one to make the perspective box line up with something in the image.
8.       Briefly explain the two purposes of the CONVOLVE tool: Sharpening and blurring.
9.       What is the purpose of the GAUSSIAN BLUR filter? (NOTE: This is a FILTER, not a TOOL): You can use this tool to blur specific areas of an image.
10.   Which tool would be the appropriate tool to get rid of wrinkles on someone’s face? I might try to use the smudge tool, that way the wrinkle is smoothed, but the color of their skin is not marred.

1.       Go to the web site for this book:
2.       Click on the PHOTOS FROM THE BOOK link, and scroll down to see the images for Chapter 6.
3.       Download and save all the Chapter 6 images.
4.       Use the appropriate images to touch up the photos as indicated on pages 215 through248.
5.       Insert these corrected images here (no need to insert all the corrected images, just those indicated below):
a.       Tree with power tower gone and new puffy cloud (instructions on pages 219-222):

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